Grammar Recordar, Recordar de or Recordarse de? The right way to remember in Spanish. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo atrasado!I know what you're thinking, isn't it a little late to be wishing someone Happy New Year? And 4 Ways to say maybe in Spanish Just when you think something should be pretty straight-forward in Spanish you find it out it's not. Like when I How to say you 'almost' did something in Spanish Let's start with a translation: Casi me caigo de culo I almost fall on my ass Hmm. "I almost fall...". The Spanish contractions your textbook didn't tell you about According to your Spanish textbook there are only two contractions in Spanish. Your Spanish textbook and most likely your Spanish Expressing accidental actions in Spanish While I don't consider myself a teacher by any stretch of the imagination, today I'm going to try and simplify Using Hacer to talk about the past in Spanish I run a Spanish Meet Up group and every week the same question comes up, "How long have you been How to say would have in Spanish My previous two post covered how to say could have and should have in Spanish. Here are the links for How to say should have in Spanish Today we're going to talk about how to say should have in Spanish. There are two ways to say should How to say could have in Spanish There are tons of articles about many aspects of the Spanish language, but I rarely see anything written about how Learning Spanish Reflexive Verbs for Beginners In my last post I wrote about Tips for learning the Spanish Subjunctive Tense. Today we're going to take a look Views: 3,952