If you’ve been learning Spanish long enough (and it doesn’t take long), you’ve already discovered there are often multiple verbs that have the same meaning. Or appear to on the surface. Orar and Rezar are two of those verbs.
They both mean to pray, and although many Spanish speakers use them as synonyms, there is a difference between the two. Let’s take a closer look.
Orar is to pray in a personal sense, your intimate thoughts and prayers between you and God.
Oro todos los dias antes de dormir y cuando amanezco
I pray everyday before I go to sleep
Rezar is for reciting memorized prayers, like el Padre Nuestro or el Rosario
Todos los jueves después de las 9am, Servicio de Comunión, rezamos el Rosario
Every Thursday after 9am, the Communion Service, we recite the Rosary prayer
Comments 3
But why does Oracion also mean sentence?
Very good question. So then it means both prayer and sentence? Interesting!
Thank you for a concise answer.