Yesterday I happened to think about my learning Brazilian Portuguese course (mostly about how I’m not using it) and then I remembered that I got it for free by signing up for an Audible free trial. Then it hit me, you all could do the same to get a free Spanish course.
I didn’t actually sign up for the Audible service, but Amazon kept their end of the deal anyway and gave me the product for free as promised.
If you’ve never heard of Pimsleur Spanish, let me give you a brief overview.

It’s a purely audio based learning method, and that means you can put it on your favorite device and take it with you everywhere. It gives you a lot of flexibility on where and when you can study. It’s really great for those long commutes or when you’re sitting in traffic.
As for the product itself, you learn vocabulary, verb conjugation, how to put sentences together and pronunciation by listening and repeating what you hear. It’s a very natural way to learn, very much like how you learned your native language.
If you like audio courses, it’s a good product. I’ve used it myself and I run into people who have used it as their primary learning resource in the Conversational Spanish Group that I run (stop by to chat and say hi if you’re ever in the Atlanta metro area) and I’m always impressed with how much they’ve accomplished.
If you plan on learning Spanish outside of the traditional classroom, this will really help and accelerate your learning. And since you’re getting it for free, it’s also a great way to decide if the Pimsleur Spanish courses (or audio learning in general) is for you before making any further financial investments because the full package isn’t cheap.
Even if you don’t purchase the complete package this will make a nice addition to your existing resources, or if you’re just starting to learn Spanish this is a perfect course to start with.
At any rate, why take my word (or anyone else’s) for it when you can get the course for free by just signing up for an Audible free trial. Here are the free Pimsleur courses I saw available.
Just click on the image of the course you’re interested in and you’ll be taken straighten to Amazon where you can read the reviews, sign up for the free trial and download your course. Así de facil (just that easy).
Pimsleur Spanish: Learn to Speak, Understand, and Read Spanish with Pimsleur Language Programs
Just make sure you see “Free with Audible trial” on whatever selection you make and you’re good.
And that’s it! The only thing left to do is to sit back and start learning (more) Spanish.