6 Uses of llevar

Your Spanish book will most likely tell you the verb Llevar means to take, and it does.  But the verb Llevar has several uses that your Spanish book might have left out.  Let’s take a look at a few of them.

1.  To talk about what you’re wearing

No llevo gorras
I don’t wear ballcaps

Ella decidió llevar la blusa roja
She decided to wear the red blouse

2.  To talk about how much time has passed

Llevo 3 años viviendo aquí
I’ve been living here for 3 years

Lleva tres días sin dormir
He hasn’t slept in three days

Llevan esperando aquí dos horas
They’ve been waiting here two hours

Te llevo mucho tiempo esperando
I’ve been waiting a long time for you

3.  To ask for (and give) a ride

Llévame al aeropuerto
Take me to the airport

Pedro nos llevó al super
Pedro took us to the supermarket

¿Me llevas al banco?
Will you take me to the bank?

4.  Food related uses

Dos hamburguesas para llevar por favor
Two hamburgers to go please

¿Que lleva el taco?  
What does the taco have on it

El pastel lleva huevos, aceite, pasas, miel y harina
The cake has eggs, oil, raisins, honey and flour

5.  To talk about what you’re carrying around with you

No llevo mis llaves 
I don’t have my keys

¿Llevas el pasaporte encima?
Do you have your passport on you?

No llevo dinero encima
I don’t have any money on me

6.  To talk about how people get along

Technically, you need to use Llevarse, Llevar’s reflexive cousin.  The expression is Llevarse bien con alguien.   Or Llevarse mal con alguien, if you don’t get along with them.

Nos llevamos bien
We get along well

No se lleva bien con su madre
He doesn’t get along well with his mother

Me llevo mal con mi suegra
I don’t get along with my mother-in-law

Mis hijos se llevan como el perro y el gato
My kids fight like cats and dogs

Well, that should certainly be more than information to get you started with the verb Llevar.

** UPDATE:  Since I originally wrote this, I recorded a podcast about the verb llevar.   Be sure to listen to it as it covers additional uses not mentioned here, plus you’ll benefit greatly from hearing the spoken Spanish as well.

Here’s the link:

11 Uses of the verb llevar no one bothered to teach you

That’s it for now.  ¡Hasta la próxima!

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Comments 3

  1. Hello! I am very happy to have found your blog. I'm brushing up on my Spanish and you give some great examples here about llevar. In your example, "Te lleva mucho tiempo esperando", would it not be "llevo"?

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