You’ll find lots of great content on the blog, so let me highlight a few things for you.
I have very informative collection of podcasts available that will teach you how Spanish is in used in everyday conversation. You can find them here:
The Real Life Spanish Podcast Series.
Go beyond the textbook and focus on how Spanish is used in real life conversations.
The All About Spanish Verbs Podcast Series
This podcast teaches you the most common uses of the most common verbs, and how to use them in daily conversation with practical examples. You’ll learn the many everyday uses of verbs that the textbooks leave out. You’ll improve greatly improve your comprehension of the language and your ability to communicate with Season 1 of this series.
The Site Library
You’ll find a list of every article on the blog, so feel free to look through it and find something fun and informative to help you improve your Spanish.
If you want to learn more about me:
Hola, Soy Rodney
Ok, so this next resource isn’t on the blog, I think you’ll find it useful.
Looking for a useful Spanish phrasebook that will help you communicate with people in everyday situations?
Then try mine, My Spanish Phrasebook.
It has over 2,000 phrases (and still growing) that you need for real life conversations, for situations such as bars, talking on the phone, traveling, idioms, taxi’s, hotels, airports, buses, greetings, farewells, weather, romance, making plans, restaurants, directions, introductions, general conversation and more.
Unfortunately it’s only available on Google Play (Android), but for those of you with Android phones, I think you’ll find it a great tool to help you with your Spanish.

And that’s it. Enjoy the blog and keep an eye on your email for future updates.